“Too often. . . I would hear men boast of the miles covered that day, rarely of what they had seen.” – Louis L'Amour

Monday, March 12, 2012

CBS Atlanta Website v. Facebook Page

When I go onto to CBS Atlanta's website, I notice there are lists of just headlines, which are nine words or less, of relatively small font size. There are a few pictures, above stories with larger headlines, to signify the importance of the story.

The current large headline is: Confessed killer fights to fire judge 

There is a toolbar when people can share this site on many social media forums. After columns of smaller headlines, there is finally a spot for weather...then more headlines.

So to me, this site makes me think that CBS Atlanta is very busy finding stories, to the point where content is being posted and changed constantly.

The color scheme of the site, holds true to the CBS Atlanta, using greys, blues, reds, and silvers. I enjoy looking at the site.

My only complaint is that there are too many words to look at. Besides the one large headline and picture, my attention is not pulled in any direction. It is overwhelming to look at all the words. I do not know what to click on first.
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The CBS Facebook page is filled with stories which underneath ask an open-ended question looking for opinions. For example, there is story:
     19 people were arrested in Paulding County after police said they vandalized school property for a senior prank at East Paulding High School.

      Those arrested ranged in age from 17 to 19, and all were charged with felonies. Do you think that's too harsh a charge for a senior prank?
So far there are 11 "likes" and 63 comments. I like the fact that CBS Atlanta is looking for opinions about stories, because perhaps another story could be reported from the responses... you never know. 

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